KonMari in the Closet: July 2016 Edition

A little over a year ago, I used the “KonMari Method” to pare down my wardrobe.   At the time, I was able to purge 23 garments and 32 accessories from my closet.  Since then, I have continued to do some culling here and there, including my recent jewelry box downsizing back in April.  It’s good to periodically let pieces go when we find they aren’t working for us, but sometimes a more formal closet audit is in order, especially when we notice that the our wardrobe size is gradually increasing. So I decided to use Marie Kondo’s decluttering process once again this past weekend.

konmari your closet

The “KonMari Method” can help you downsize your closet. 

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The “KonMari Method” in the Jewelry Box

In my last post, I shared the results of a wardrobe memory exercise that I recently took on.  I tried to remember the contents of my closet and jewelry box without looking.   I found that I was able to write down 91% of my wardrobe (including shoes) but only 77% of my jewelry collection.   I came to a number of conclusions from doing the exercise, one of which was that I still own too many garments, shoes, and accessories for my lifestyle.

Since it has been almost a year since I used the “KonMari Method” in my closet (I also used the process with my books and compact discs), I have decided to take it on again, beginning with my jewelry.   This afternoon, I spent approximately an hour and a half going through my bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and other jewelry pieces to see what does and doesn’t “spark joy.”  In today’s post, I share the process and the results of this session.

Jewelry Box

My jewelry box is actually much bigger than this one!  

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KonMari in the Closet – My May Closet Purging Session

After I bought so many new items in April, my closet started to feel a bit too full.  So I elected to do something I didn’t think I would do… I decided to use the “KonMari Method” with my wardrobe.   In today’s post, I will share what I did, what I got rid of and why, and how I felt during the process.

konmari method

If you want to downsize your closet, give the KonMari Method a try!

Most of you are probably aware of the “KonMari Method” by now.  Even if you haven’t read my two posts on that topic (see here and here), you’ve probably seen other blog posts or magazine articles on the topic.  Marie Kondo’s book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” has been on the New York Times bestseller list for months and you’d almost have to be living under a rock not to have heard of it by now.

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